Where Synagogue Management Meets Genuine Human Support (at lower cost)

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Key features of our company


No need to install software! No need to maintain infrastructure. Our software works on PC, Mac, tablet computers, and even smart phones.


This software was born from a deep commitment of its founders to provide a faster, less expensive, and less complex capability to handle the daily aspects of running temples and synagogues. We are of the belief that religious institutions should devote precious resources, both human and financial, to the goals of the institution, rather than back-office maintenance.


Designed from the ground up to be accessible from any browser, any location. Controls what each user can see and/or update. For those who prefer to operate on a local copy of data, offers spreadsheet download.


Offers flexible, time-saving capabilities, such as producing contribution letters, printing labels, printing addresses onto envelopes, and spreadsheet upload for input of high-volume data.


Track membership, including family units and the individuals in those families.

  • Families, with attributes such as billing address, formal and informal names, household phone numbers.
  • Role within family--choose which family members are parents, minor children, adult children, or any other designations that you find meaningful.
  • Accommodates two addresses, especially useful in those areas of the country that experience seasonal attendance.
  • Members, with attributes such as name, business address, personal cell phone, age, Kohen/Levi/Yisrael, Torah portion, et al.
  • In addition to attributes, can create and store notes, pertaining to a family, an individual, or a Yahrzeit. Each note can be marked private, so that only the 'assigned-to' person can read it.
  • Any number of free-form attributes can be defined, and then tagged to either families or members–e.g., Sisterhood, Choir, Snail-mail only.
  • For mass maintenance, ShalomCloud accepts spreadsheet uploads for both families and members. A real time-saver.
  • Member Portal! Congregants can now maintain their own demographic data--names and addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, Bar/Bat Mitzvah dates, birthdays, anniversaries, et al.

Track incoming funds, optionally applying them to receivables

  • Ability to create and track receivables
  • Incoming funds can be applied to individual receivables, or applied to an on-the-spot receivable
  • Transactions are tagged with a category (categories have taxable / non-taxable designation)
  • Accepts credit cards
  • Recurring payments. Set up weekly, monthly, or annual payments. Specify at time of setup the charges to which the payments will apply, and in what order. Please see our blog entry for a more thorough description.
  • Produces monthly statements
  • Produces formatted letters acknowledging, Please see blog post (7 min)not only the contributor, but also any honorees associated with the contribution–a key time saver
  • Produces year-end tax letters
  • Integrates with QuickBooks Online in near-real-time. No download / upload required
  • Also with QuickBooks Desktop
  • Member Portal! Congregants can now log in and access their up-to-date financial statement. They will see their outstanding items; and they will see all payments that posted during a period of their choosing. The user portal screens are especially designed to be mobile-friendly, giving your congregants the convenience of accessing updated information on their oft-used smart phone.

Record Yahrzeit dates, and relationships among Yahrzeits and synagogue members.

  • Maintain Yahrzeit information, by entering the name, Gregorian date of death, and a flag for before or after sunset. System looks up and stores the corresponding Hebrew date.
  • For those congregations who maintain Yahrzeit plaques, the system records the location of the plaque. This is useful for efficient maintenance of the Yahrzeit lamps, often associated with the Yarhzeit commemoration.
  • ShalomCloud provides a way to associate Yahrzeits to the members of the congregation who wish to be informed of forthcoming dates. Furthermore, that notification can be by either Hebrew date or Gregorian date.
  • Produces Bimah lists, by Hebrew date, by Gregorian date, or as a consolidated list.

Security, authorizations

  • Log on via user code and password
  • Passwords are stored encrypted, so not even the system administrator can read them
  • System administrator assigns a profile for each user
  • That Profile controls each function, as to no access, read only, or read and write

Queries and Reports

  • Graphs and charts -- revenue by category, pledged/paid gap, membership counts by year, and more
  • All graphs and charts can be exported as images (JPEG, PNG, SVG) or PDFs.
  • Yahrzeit
  • Financial Transactions – by fiscal year, by amount range, by transaction date, by category, by family, by family billing status.
  • Yahrzeits - by Hebrew date range, by Gregorian date range, by name, by related member. You can also limit the list to only Active related members. From the Yahrzeit query, you can create a Bimah list, grouped by day or week; you can send Yahrzeit notifications, either by letter or by email; and you can export the details to spreadsheets.
  • Families - by name, by ranges of anniversary date, by city, by user-defined attributes
  • Members - by name, by email, by age, by birthday (e.g., everybody with a birthday in April), by user-defined attributes
  • Generate emails, either authored on-the-spot, or set up in email templates
  • Trend reports - Amounts by category, for each of the last six years

Communicate! Letters, Emails and Text

Thank you
  • Hard copy:
    • Produces letter to contributor
    • Also produces letters to selected members about the contribution
    • Handles any number of letter templates
    • Can list multiple contributions on one letter to contributor, while producing individual letters to honorees
    • From family queries, you can produce either mailing labels, or envelopes with addresses printed directly onto them.
  • Email:
    • Create email templates, or compose on-the-spot email
    • Send Yahrzeit notifications by email or surface mail.
    • Send statements by email or surface mail.
    • Possible use--emailing each family with info on file, for verification and accuracy
  • Text Messaging:
    • Send text messages right from ShalomCloud
    • Ideal for time-sensitive communication to selected audiences

Shopping Cart

  • For fixed-priced items:
    • Shabbat dinners
    • Lulav and Etrog
    • Class registration
  • Automatically posts to a family's account
  • Automatically posts to a ShalomCloud financial category

Aliyah Module

  • Load holidays by year
  • Load honors, with page #'s and times
  • Assign honors
  • Query by service, page, date and time, assignee
  • Export full or partial lists

Member Portal

  • Members can update their own information
  • Pull a statement
  • See outstanding balances, and issue payments
  • Set up recurring payments
  • Look up other synagogue members

Payment Portal

  • Accepts contributions and payments from anyone
  • Accepts both card and ACH (bank account)
  • Automatically posts to ShalomCloud
  • Recognizes payer by email or phone
  • Automatic acknowledgments

Why the Cloud?

Nothing to install. No capital expenditure--pay as you go with subscription-based model.

No long-term contracts. If at any time you're unhappy and wish to leave us, we'll ensure that your data is made available to you on spreadsheets, and further payments will stop.

Enhancements and upgrades available immediately--no need to run through tricky installation procedures for each PC.

Your data resides in the world's leading cloud infrastructure company.

Office personnel, Board of Directors, designated committee chairs, etc., can log in and access single, reliable copy of data, at a time and place of their choosing.

With the availability of the Member Portal, your congregants, as you see fit, can access their information, via smart phone, tablet, or computer. This includes pledge payments and contributions, which flow directly into the synagogue management system. This avoids manual entry and promotes accuracy.


Our Services.

Certainly, ShalomCloud is our primary out-of-the-box offering. In addition we offer:

  • 1 Technical consulting--e.g., choosing an email system; evaluating web hosting providers.
  • 2 Administrative consulting--e.g., idea generation for improving revenue, process improvement within your back office.
  • 3 Custom-built or customized applications--e.g., you'd like to acquire a Contact Management System; you'd like to have software to track a specific campaign.



Custom Applications


  • Small
  • Up to 125 Families
  • 2 Full-time users
  • Unlimited Casual users
  • Endless Support
  • $ 72

    per month
  • Small / Medium
  • 126 to 250 Families
  • 4 Full-time users
  • Unlimited Casual users
  • Endless Support
  • $ 90

    per month
  • Medium / Large
  • 251 to 500 Families
  • 6 Full-time users
  • Unlimited Casual users
  • Endless Support
  • $ 144

    per month
  • Large
  • More than 500 Families
  • 9 Full-time users
  • Unlimited Casual users
  • Endless Support
  • $ 252

    per month

Two-month free trial for all levels

Additional pricing factors (same for all levels)

One-time conversion fee: $400

Form Builder

  • To have ShalomCloud build a form (e.g., school registration, membership renewal): $72 per form
  • Self-service use of the form builder: $0


Let's get in touch. Send us a message:

Charlotte, NC

Phone: 704-650-0554
